Quan Fang (方全)Email: qfang@bupt.edu.cn |
I am currently a Research Professor in School of Artificial Intelligence at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). I am the leader of the Multimedia Knowledge Computing Group. Prior to that, I was an Associate Professor at the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences. I received my Ph.D. degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System from Mutimedia Computing Group (MMC), National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, advised by Prof. Changsheng Xu and Dr. Jitao Sang. I received a BE degree from the Automation Department, of Beihang University. I was a research intern in China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media, 2012-2013. I am also the Leader of the Zhuanzhi Group, where I work with my brilliant colleagues to build the Zhuanzhi.AI system that enable people to find required knowledge effectively and efficiently! Google Scholar | 个人中文主页【研究生实习生招生】 招收计算机科学与技术专业方向的硕士(保研+统考,学硕+专硕)和博士生(学术博士+工程博士)。欢迎具有扎实数学或编程基础, 有志于多媒体知识计算方向,包括知识图谱/大型语言模型/应用机器学习/数据挖掘方法/跨媒体分析与推理等研究的同学联系我。 非常欢迎对科研感兴趣的本科生或研究生,加入本实验室进行科研实习,请发送你的个人简历到我的邮箱(qfang@bupt.edu.cn)! |
Contrastive Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph Representation Learning
Knowledge-Enhanced Attributed Multi-Task Learning for Medicine Recommendation
TCKGE: Transformers with contrastive learning for knowledge graph embedding
Heterogeneous Community Question Answering via Social-Aware Multi-Modal Co-Attention Convolutional Matching
Knowledge-aware Attentive Wasserstein Adversarial Dialogue Response Generation
Multi-modal Attentive Graph Pooling Model for Community Question Answer Matching
Multi-modal Multi-relational Feature Aggregation Network for Medical Knowledge Representation Learning